vrijdag 8 april 2011

Errormessage Source control provider can not be found in SSMS and BIDS

Currently removing source control from SSMS projects and i ran into the following error:

"The source control provider associated with this solution could not be found. The projects will be treated as not under source control. 

Do you want to permanently remove the source control bindings from the projects?"

As shown belown too:

And this error keeps coming even when you press Yes. I've found one solution on the internet but it didn't work out for me. Here is a screenshot of the project:

And i started deleting the projects (one by one), shut down SSMS and starting up SSMS and finally in one .ssmssqlproj file in found the following line:

<SccAuxPath />
<SccProvider>MSSCCI:Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider</SccProvider>

When i deleted these lines, the errormessage disappeared. Problem solved!

I had the same issue in visual studio when i opened a SSIS project. When i took a look in the .sln file i saw the following phrases:

GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) = preSolution
     SccNumberOfProjects = 2
     SccEnterpriseProvider = {4CA58AB2-18FA-4F8D-95D4-32DDF27D184C}
     SccTeamFoundationServer = http://xx-xx-xx:8080/tfs/ssiscollection
     SccLocalPath0 = .
     SccProjectUniqueName1 = SSIS_xxxxxxx.dtproj
     SccLocalPath1 = .

I've deleted this section too and the error disappeared.


1 opmerking:

  1. Removing those <Scc* lines from the .ssmssqlproj file worked for me. Thank you.
